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Tiger shark
(Galeocerdo cuvier) One of the largest, widespread, characteristically colored and dangerous to humans species of sharks. There is...

Coral hind
(Cephalopholis mineata) Most species are medium and large fish, up to a meter long, however, there are also dwarfs (about 10 cm 100...

Yellowfin tuna
(Thunnus albacares) It got its name due to the orange-yellow coloration of the soft dorsal and anal fins, which stand out noticeably...

Spottail shark
(Carcharhinus sorrah) One of the smaller sharks with a spindle-shaped body, a long, rounded snout, large round eyes. Body gray or...

Tomato hind
(Cephalopholis sonnerati) The body is orange-red to red-brown, often with occasional white spots. On the head are close-set orange-red...

Dogtooth tuna
Dogtooth tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor), dogtooth tuna or gymnosard. It is also called scaleless tuna, common bonito or mackerel tuna. The...

Bull shark
Bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas) Belongs to the genus Carcharhinus, or real gray sharks. The top of this massive shark is gray, the...

Lemon shark
Lemon shark, other names: short-snouted sharp-toothed shark, Panamanian sharp-toothed shark, yellow shark. Appearance: This shark has...

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