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Pickhandle barracuda
(Sphyrnea jello) Body with dark stripes crossing the lateral line. Each stripe is slanted at the top and vertical at the bottom. The...

Marbled coral grouper
(Plectropomus punctatus) The back is dark brown, almost black, the sides are dark brown, fading into a light belly with a gradient. The...

Rainbow runner
Rainbow runner (Elagatis bipinnulata), or Elagat This member of the Perciformes (Perciformes) squad has a dark olive back with a green or...

Black grouper
The black grouper is a large marine fish of the perch-like order from the stone perch family. Another name for fish used in the...

Giant trevally
Caranx ignobilis The head and body are dark golden on the back and light on the side of the belly. The fins are usually dark or even...

Yellow-edged lyretail
Yellow-edged lyretail (Variola louti) The back is dark red, the sides are red, the belly and lower jaw are yellow. There are numerous...

Green jobfish
Green jobfish (Aprion verescens) The color of the body is green to bluish-green. The dorsal fin is yellowish with several black stripes...

Black trevally
The black trevally is a very important object of trawl fishing on the shelves of the tropical Indian zone. It has an oval, high body,...

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