Yachting on the enchanted islands
Turquoise sea, white sand, green palm trees and blue sky - a picture of an earthly paradise, which is so attractive in the Bounty advertisement. It seems that this does not happen, and if it does, then somewhere out there, out of reach ...

The Seychelles give this paradise as a matter of course to their guests. And a trip through the archipelago on a yacht gives this paradise in such a volume that it is difficult for a beginner to realize it. The Seychelles is the world center of yachting, one of the best places on our planet for traveling on water under sail or at the behest of hundreds of horsepower “harnessed” into the engine hidden in the bowels of the ship.
They say that astronomers have long counted all the stars in the sky, but no one can name the exact number of coral and volcanic islands in the Seychelles archipelago. And each island attracts curious tourists with a bizarre and beautiful world of inhabitants of the waters, as much transparent as salty, enchants with the topography of pirate brigantines and frigates sunk in the past centuries, full of unrevealed secrets, gives blissful peace in the shade of tropical plants and flowers overlooking the endless , as a category of Hegelian philosophy, the expanse of the sea.
There are many waters in the oceans where you can sail on yachts, but places with such long warm and storm-free seasons as in the Seychelles can be counted on the fingers. And a yacht, a catamaran, a boat of almost any class, up to three-masted ships, can be rented in the Seychelles.
The Royal Safari company owns sea boats, organizes fishing and diving tours, and also rents out catamarans and yachts. Possible problems - where without them? It should be borne in mind that the residents of the Seychelles, involved in the tourism business, do not particularly care that the client likes it and wants to come back here again. It cannot be said that this is an absolute rule, there are literally a few companies, or rather a few people on whom you can rely, but the majority prefer not to overwork themselves with quality service to guests and the water transport that they rent.
A particular problem here is the repair of equipment on ships. If, for example, the carburetor on an outboard motor has failed (in Moscow, repairs will take several hours), the tenant will have to wait at least two weeks until the always busy local technician is free, and then three more to bring the necessary spare parts. And this is instead of swimming all this time and enjoying the pleasures of paradise! It would be wrong to say that the Seychelles in this regard is something out of the ordinary: this or something like this is the case in the tropics almost everywhere.

Weather of the Indian waters Ocean
off the coast of the Seychelles
From January to March, northwest winds dominate with short periods of wind from the north or northeast. Wind speed from 10 to 15 knots, light waves.
In March, the winds begin to weaken.
April and May: Winds blow from the north and east, wind speeds from 5 to 15 knots. Very calm sea, air temperature around 32°C, water around 30°C.
June: south-easterly winds 10 - 20 knots prevail.
July to September: dry season, water and air temperature and around 28°C, very few showers.
Southeasterly winds prevail at a steady 20 to 25 knots. Seas can be choppy and some anchorages are not recommended.
October - November: light waves and wind. By November, the northwest winds return.
December: Winds blow from the northwest 5 - 10 knots. The temperature is rising.

Ebb and flow
High and low tides, semi-diurnal and asymmetric with an interval of approximately 6 hours between maximum and minimum.
The tidal range is about 1.80 m, in spring - about 1.40 m.
The tides cause currents that can be quite strong in the straits between the islands or in the channels leading to the lagoons. There can be quite significant differences in altitude between two daily high flows.
State of the sea
Throughout the equatorial zone of the Indian Ocean, the excitement is generally moderate. Waves are usually between 1 and 1.2 m
How are boats usually rented?
Most often, the rental is carried out online, via the Internet, choosing a ship that is suitable in appearance on the tourist site and being satisfied with an acceptable price. In this case, once the tenant enters their credit card number, it is not possible to change anything for free. And only upon arrival at the place, or even during the trip, the client-tenant may suddenly find out that the vessel is old, and if it is not breathing its last, it can provide only a minimum of amenities - the desalinator does not work, the generator stalls, and so on. Not only that, the Russians have a habit of taking a ship without a crew, as a result of which they easily find themselves in a situation where everything is against them. By signing a standard rental agreement drawn up in English, and paying a significant deposit for possible breakdowns, the tenant puts himself in onerous conditions. After all, breakdowns could already be on the ship in the form of a “floating defect” - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t work. The tenant will essentially receive a series of blows - first he will experience the shock of the fact that the necessary device does not work, and then he will also pay for it with his own money
How real is that problem?
According to experts, only a quarter of the ships of the private Seychelles fleet meet all the requirements, and at best half of the ships can sail. Reasonable problem solving is the key to a successful holiday
How to avoid possible troubles?
Of course, the easiest way would be to fly to the Seychelles, choose what you need on the spot ... There is only one serious minus in this approach: all the ships that you choose on the spot may already be booked, and this, alas, is the reality of today's Seychelles.
And what is the way out?
There are three reliable ways:
Fly to the Seychelles in advance yourself and, after checking two or three dozen ships, choose and book the right one.
Settle in the Seychelles for a while, make friends with the captains of several ships, ask them about all the ins and outs over a glass of whiskey in a bar, and, after analyzing the information received, choose and book a suitable ship.
Without flying anywhere, from the workplace or from home, seek advice from the Royal Safari company, which is located in the Seychelles and has long checked everything and talked with all the captains
How can «Royal Safari» help?
Consulting services mean searching on the spot for a vessel suitable for the lessee in terms of price and quality. It is advisable to discuss with the representative of the company a convenient time for the client to stay in the Seychelles. An angler should get advice on tackle and lures. With regard to the responsibility of «Royal Safari», the company undertakes to provide the tenant with a reservation of a quality vessel without obvious and hidden defects
What allows «Royal Safari» to give guarantees?
One of the company's employees in the Seychelles is a highly qualified Russian technician who provides an audit of water transport of third-party companies, and also carries out repairs if necessary. Another employee brings the necessary spare parts from Singapore within three days. All this is not their main work, the main thing is the maintenance of boats of the «Royal Safari» company
What other advice can you get from «Royal Safari»?
In no case should a fisherman going to the Seychelles count on the fact that he will be able to purchase tackle on the spot - this is a utopia. Gear should be taken with you, especially when renting non-specialized fishing boats. Although even in this case, you should not hope that the Seychellois organizing fishing for you will spend money on expensive effective wobblers. The fishing section of our site contains a lot of useful information, but life is so diverse that it is impossible to write about everything - call, write and ask!
How much does it cost?
The cost of «Royal Safari» services is included in the rental price - the company simply receives a commission that the lessee will pay for the vessel in any case.
Then why does «Royal Safari» need all this?
Unlike most Russian travel companies that undertake to conduct tours “all over the world”, «Royal Safari» has chosen the Seychelles as a priority, and not theoretically, but really provides an amazing vacation here. Unlike most Seychelles companies, «Royal Safari» is interested in ensuring that Seychelles guests not only like it here, but want to come back again and again. And finally… The «Royal Safari» Company owns six sea boats (38-53 feet). The boats are comfortable, with all the necessary equipment, the team is sharpened for trophy fishing. On them, the company organizes not only one-day fishing and diving tours, but also mini cruises around the islands of the archipelago with one or more overnight stays, according to your desire.
Questions and answers

Yacht safari
Length / Width | Draft | Cabins | Engines | Guests, at day (overnight) | Price, for a day (half) |
Benefits of contacting
«Royal Safari»